| formulas |

• the hiraeth formula

sooo, the hiraeth formula. it's not a way of writing affs; yet a way of making the sub. what i do when i use the hiraeth formula is i first write the affs, obviously. i then record the affs, and then i upload them three times to a program i use. i pan one set to the right ear, the other one to the left, and i leave one in the middle. i cut each of those sets up into 2, leaving me with 6 sets. i then layer all of the sets on top of each other, making an ultimately shorter sub; yet a 100% more effective one. with panning the affs, you get results like you're three people listening to the same subliminal; instead of one person, which you are. you are hearing 6 sets of different, layered affirms in your left ear, and the same with your right ear as well as both. this is a really powerful formula! make the best out of it<3

• the dieu donné formula

in french, dieu donné means god given. just a quick disclaimer; even those this is the name of the formula, none of my subs have and will never have god related affs. my subs can be used by anybody at all, any religion. ANYWAYS, haha, back to the formula. unlike the hiraeth formula, the dieu donné formula IS a way of writing affs. the reason why this formula is called god given is because it contains a lot of luck affs. so basically "how are you so lucky? its like you're god given." a dieu donné formula affirmation in, say, a height sub, would be: "i am so lucky that im so tall. im so grateful my luck is the reason why im my desired height." and...thats it!!